Tips To Scraping Gum Off Tables
|April 26, 2018
Gum – it’s one of the worst things to get under the table. They’re difficult to clean and require a lot of cleaning and strength to scrape off. You don’t want to damage the tables and you don’t want to invest so much time in individually picking them off. There has to be a better way.
Hiring a professional cleaning agency works well. Picking the best ones to clean out your tables is a good idea, as with the right staff and green-cleaning products you can get a great cleaning experience. The worst part about gum is that it can start to affect the material that it’s stuck on, thereby reducing its value significantly.
Students may or may not listen to the staff all the time. That’s why its up to us to clean everything out so that it doesn’t get on the clothes of the student who sits afterwards. It’s also a major sanitation issue if there’s gum everywhere and no one’s picking it off. It’s also a good idea to keep your classrooms squeaky clean to give students the best opportunity to learn in a sanitary environment.
It’s best to hire professionals who can use high quality equipment and save you time. But if you’re doing it DIY style, here’s how you can do it –
Applying ice
Gum is sticky, making it a really adhesive substance. If you try to pull it out using gloves it might just make the problem worse. That’s because it’s chemically programmed to leave long strands that stick to the surface nearby.
The best way to avoid that problem is by freezing the little gum pieces. Take a bag of ice and put it over the individual gum pieces for a few minutes. They should harden up and be easier to pick off. Remember to cool every side of the gum’s surface so that there’s no leftover spots where the gum can still stick.
Unscented vegetable oil
If ice is not available, you can also use unscented vegetable oil. Unscented because vegetable oil can have a strong smell making the classroom stink up if you’re using it too much. Essentially, what you’re trying to do is to make the area slippery. The vegetable oil gets inside the gum’s pores making it unstick from the table.
Take a cotton swab or some paper towels soaked in vegetable oil. You want to gently dab the oil on the surface and the areas near the gum. This should help open up the surface of the gum and make it pop right off.
Remember – If there’s a lot of gum sticking on the surface, then you might want to call in the professionals at No More Dirt. We can take care of that problem for you at a pocket-friendly price. We’re dedicated professionals here to help you get the most out of your school’s infrastructure. Give us a call at (877) 637-5312 and get started today!