Get Your Stone Surfaces Looking New Again With These Tips

|December 29, 2020

Get Your Stone Surfaces Looking New Again With These Tips

Stone has long been a fashionable and reliable part of architectural design used in both residential or commercial settings. When taken care of, there are few materials that last as long and look as charming as stone. There are many factors that determine how to maintain your stone surfaces, and how often you should expect […]


Polishing Commercial Marble Floors 101

|June 11, 2019

clean entrance

Marble floors are absolutely stunning. In many cases, when you see them you can be sure they are one of the focal points of the room. As such, you owe it to your business and those beautiful floors to keep them in the best of conditions. Here is a helpful list of facts and tips […]


Tips To Repairing and Refinishing A Stone Floor

|April 26, 2018

Professional Janitorial Floor Cleaning

Stone floors are becoming quite popular in 2018, and they’ve become a staple component of many swanky design houses in America. Stone floors come with their own sets of challenges and advantages, making them a versatile element but one that requires regular maintenance. Otherwise, they start to look dull and faded. Stone surfaces can lose […]


Refinishing A Hardwood Floor

|April 13, 2018

Commercial Cleaning Company Office View

Hardwood floors are tricky to refinish. There’s a lot of steps involved and the person cleaning it must be careful not to leave any scratches or errors behind. Its easy to damage the surface if you don’t know what you’re doing. It’s always a good idea to hire a professional cleaning company that can take […]


Pressure Washing Service Before and After

|February 7, 2018

Custom Stone Floor Buffing

Time and Time again homes and offices have needed a pressure washing service provider to quickly clean up all the dirt, gunk, and residue left behind. They need it especially more so if they’ve just had a party or have gone through periods of long-term degradation. From kids playing basketball to driveway cars running in […]


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