Hotel Cleaning: 5 Best Practices

|November 17, 2021

Hotec Cleaning

If you didn’t know, before the pandemic, there was already an abundance of the “best” hotel cleaning practices and guidelines, and not just from anyone! A number of institutions, governmental organizations, and regulatory bodies have long been interested in (at least) trying to provide the public with cleaning and safety guidelines. While this is great, […]


Ensuring Your Hotel Cleanliness Standards Are Up To Par in the Reopening Phases

|September 28, 2020

Hotel Cleanliness

The coronavirus has completely changed everything, and it goes without saying that reopening is going to be different – for everyone. Guests’ cleanliness expectations have drastically changed, which in turn will change the way you do things. Adaptability will need to play a major role in your reopening process. Nonetheless, in order to help your […]


The Importance of High Dusting

|January 23, 2020

No matter how hard you work to keep your building in tip-top shape, you need to remember that dirt, dust and harmful debris can accumulate in the ceiling and high places inside your facility, creating health hazards and causing an unsightly buildup that must be cleaned with special equipment by experts. That dirt and grime […]


Holiday Cleaning Guide – Keeping Businesses Squeaky Clean & Bright!

|December 27, 2019

‘Tis the season to be jolly, to enjoy holiday parties, to watch your favorite movies, and to try your very best to avoid becoming a victim of the cold and flu bugs that always seem to make the rounds. Some people love the hustle and bustle of the holidays, while others can find it a […]


Best Way to Maintain and Keep Your Kitchen Fryer Clean

|December 27, 2019

Your business is your livelihood, and there are a great many variables that go into ensuring its success. It all begins with your passion and dedication as the owner, but that is only the start – the organization and efficiency of everyday operations is one of the most integral aspects of running a successful business, […]


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