Carpet Cleaning Tips
|April 13, 2018
Carpet cleaning can be a tiresome task that requires a bit of foresight and a lot of planning. It may sound like a simple task at first, but there are so many layers to it all that it needs to be fully thought through. People walk through carpets all day, which can create a lot of dirt and grime being stuck to the material over time. They trample over these grime particles, bringing them inside the office space. You’re literally bringing the streets to the office space if you’re not vacuuming the office space correctly.
This can lead to a lot of problems and issues related to dirt, mould and grime. You could have a potential lawsuit just by not cleaning your carpets correctly. You don’t just need to vacuum, you may need to perform some sort of professional-level cleaning activities that a cleaning company can take care of easily. You don’t have to worry about the small stuff and leave it to us at No More Dirt Inc. We take care of hundreds of clients in the area and provide high quality services at affordable prices. We bring industry knowledge, carpet know-how and a client-focused approach to cleaning offices and commercial properties.
We’re the best in the business and we have all the latest technologies to clean your carpets. Even if you vacuum your carpets daily and perform spot cleaning, you may need a periodic cleaning from a professional company. A thorough look at the carpet quality and the state of its being is key. Whether that’s a reception area or an entire facility of commercial carpeting, there needs to be a job-specific approach towards carpet cleaning.
Using high tech solutions, available via No More Dirt, is also a good idea. These professional-grade cleaners can go deep inside a carpet’s body to unlock hidden dirt particles that may not be visible. You also need to ensure that you’re not leaving carpet chemicals behind. This is because carpets tend to be highly absorbent and can absorb all the chemicals released during cleaning. Hot water extraction may be a good idea, but hiring a professional service is the best approach to the problem.
Spot cleaning may not be the only tip that offices can use, but it certainly is the most important one. Anytime you see a spill or a dirt-grime collection, you need to clean it up immediately. Otherwise the materials might get caught in someone’s shoes and transfer over to the rest of the commercial property. This can make it extremely dirty all over, and the problem can be easily solved by using a localized cleaning approach. Don’t wait for the maintenance schedule to kick-in after hours. You should get on your hands and knees and scrub or clean anything that you think is going to cause trouble.
Guests or office visitors don’t like to see dirt collected in certain areas for too long, and it doesn’t look appealing at all. Remember to store your cleaning products safely and out of the line of sight for regular traffic.