Paper Towels Vs Hand Dryers in the Office Restroom

|August 2, 2018

Cleaning Supplies from No More Dirt

When office managers and janitorial departments consider what is the best option for wiping our hands, they have two main options. One might be considered to be better for the environment, while the other gives you a better feeling of being clean. Whatever the case maybe your office should take the right steps to ensure […]


Key Office Bathroom Supplies

|August 2, 2018

Mop, Feet, and Bucket ready to clean floors

Maintaining a steady supply of bathroom cleaning equipment is key to having a great looking office space. You don’t want to be unprepared for an emergency, nor do you want to have days go by without proper cleaning activities. One of the easiest ways to ensure that your employees are healthy, safe, and working in […]


Key Cleaning Supplies for the Office

|August 2, 2018

San Francisco Cleaning No More Dirt Logo

Keeping your office clean is key to maintaining a high standard of sanitation. You are also going to need a routine schedule, through which you can maintain a stocked closet. Janitorial services companies can take care of that for you. No More Dirt is the leading janitorial company in the Bay area. What are the […]


Key Cleaning Supplies for the Office Kitchen

|August 2, 2018

Stone Floor Maintenance Company

The kitchen is one of the few places in the workplace that needs to be pristine and spotless. You can’t have germs hiding behind counters or food building up on the bottom of the sink. You need to keep the kitchen as clean as possible as it’s one of the major hotspots of bacterial activity. […]


Environmentally Safe Office Trash Bags

|August 2, 2018

Facility Trash Cleanup by No More Dirt San Francisco

With plastic being one of the biggest pollutants to our environment, it really does make a difference of which type of office trash bags you choose. You could be harming the environment and causing much of the pollution we see in today’s world. You want to be environmentally aware and conscious about what you are […]


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