Window Cleaning: 4 Ways to Improve Cleanliness
|November 17, 2021
Growing up is realizing that window cleaning is so much more than just spraying Windex all over a window and doing your best to make it clearer as you wipe with a paper towel. That might work for you if you live somewhere where sunlight is infrequent or daylight sometimes doesn’t come back for months. It may also work if you accept less than the best, but you’re here reading this, so that can’t be you!
There are so many ways to improve the cleanliness of your windows, from new chemicals and their requisite tools to DIY methods passed down by the wisest window cleaners for generations. The bottom line is to improve the cleanliness of your windows, meaning they go from whatever condition they’re in to being completely transparent and streakless. Shall we? Here are 4 ways to improve your window cleanliness:
The Latest & Greatest Commercial Supplies
Windex, synonymous with the process of cleaning windows, has been around seemingly forever along with a line of other similar products. If you’re looking for anything different or new, the easiest way to find a window cleaning solution to use is to check out Amazon’s best sellers (here).
DIY Home Solutions
If you don’t have access to store-bought cleaning chemicals and/or solutions, or prefer to use cleaning solutions that are less harsh on the environment, you can still get the job done. Mixing vinegar with warm water works surprisingly well. Vinegar cuts grease and loosens tough debris, and doesn’t streak!
Fight Streaks With a Squeegee
The squeegee is the star on top of the tree of cleanest windows. A squeegee alone won’t do much for you. Of course, you need to take measures to prepare your windows to be washed and cleaned, and then rinsed, but the difference between a clean window and a clean, streakless window (one is clean but may not look so, the other looks and is clean), is to finish off with a good squeegee. If you don’t know what a squeegee is, it’s that thing on the end of the pole that window cleaners use on the windows of that store you always go to. Remember?
The Order of Things
A commonly overlooked way to improve window cleanliness is knowing the order in which to perform each task within the overall process of cleaning your windows. People often ignore the preliminary task of removing any stains and/or “gunk” (i.e. gum) from windows before getting into the more universally known steps. Scraper knives are effective tools for removing stubborn debris that’s stuck to windows, though make sure to use new, smooth blades so you don’t damage your windows! For stains, try super-fine steel wool. Steel wool sort of buffs out stains like paint splatter.
Apart from this, you should follow this order of tasks: rinse, apply and scrub window cleaning solution, rinse again, use a squeegee to remove any remaining liquid and dry your window.